Unity admob – play console error : Your manifest file doesn’t include the com.google.android.gms.permission.AD_ID permission

Ok so you’ve followed instructions and search the web and still did not find the solution. Well you shoud be partly there but have missed one crucial step. You should have checked all of these, and added the lines mentioned in other forums and pasted this in the custom manifest in the assets folder. still,

Unity admob – play console error : Your manifest file doesn’t include the com.google.android.gms.permission.AD_ID permission Read More »

Unity – Admob Error breaks your codes. Latest stable release as of March 2024

Adding admob connected to your mobile app can be a hassle. You followed tutorials step by step. everything worked fine in the developoment and then later in the release build. boom, hell breaks loose. You search here and there and everywhere with no luck. Searching for answers in forums and asked ai tools with no

Unity – Admob Error breaks your codes. Latest stable release as of March 2024 Read More »

Mysql / Mariadb Basic Terminal Queries

In web development, troubleshooting often involves executing quick queries through the terminal to diagnose issues with our websites or web applications. In this blog post, I’ll guide you through some fundamental MySQL/MariaDB terminal queries that can be invaluable for your debugging efforts. If you haven’t already, I recommend checking out my previous post where I

Mysql / Mariadb Basic Terminal Queries Read More »

Beautify mysql/mariadb query results when using terminal

If you’re new to web development and find yourself navigating database queries through the terminal, this guide will walk you through on how to beautify mysql/mariadb query results for a more readable output. When dealing with numerous fields in your queries, the default terminal display might not present the results in a readable format. In

Beautify mysql/mariadb query results when using terminal Read More »

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